Permanent Staffing

 Contract Staffing

 Outsourced Staffing

  BPO Staffing

 Voice Process Staffing

 Mentoring & Support



Solutions & Cost FAQ

 How much does it cost if I do hire?

How much does it cost if I do hire? The fee for a permanent hire is a flat percentage of the candidate's starting annual salary. Bonuses, relocation allowances, and/or stock options are NOT included in the fee calculation -- only the starting salary.

  No risk to me at all?

Correct! We provide a no-fault guarantee on all of our direct-hire placements. You are able to review the performance on all of our candidates for 90-days. If for any reason our candidate does not work out in the first 90 days we will replace him/her at no charge.

  Our Screening Practices?

We have carefully tailored practices that have proved to make recruitment a simple & unique value-added process.

We can assist you in building up carefully screened staffing teams, that excel in experience & skills. Our services help you harness the true potential and purpose of recruitment.

   Staff Quality & your Business Success!

Getting recruitment process through us can dramatically improve your staff quality & ultimately affect your business’ success.

 We offer solutions that meet your need

We have been successful in offering recruitment solutions that meet your needs, helping your company become agile in the changing economy and global marketplace.


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